Silver Lining

Food for thought

Palestine: Young woman killed, “Israel” fully held responsible for death of Ashraf Abu Darea, boy seriously injured, protest tent in against land confiscation & more children arrested

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Palestinian woman killed by Israeli fire in West Bank

Press TV

A Palestinian woman has been killed after being shot by Israeli military forces in the southern West Bank, Palestinian medical sources say.

The 21-year-old woman, identified as Lubna Hanash, was shot in the face by Israeli troops who got out of a civilian car.

The shooting took place outside a college near a refugee camp about eight kilometers north of the city of al-Khalil (Hebron).

Israel has set up hundreds of checkpoints in the West Bank and the Israeli forces often launch attacks on the Palestinians living in the territory from these checkpoints.

This comes as on January 18 Israeli soldiers shot and wounded another Palestinian youth near the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Israeli security forces seriously wounded a 15-year-old Palestinian boy during a protest in the Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.

The teenager was hit in the face by a bullet that bounced off the ground and was taken to hospital in Beit Jala, before being transferred to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in al-Quds (Jerusalem) for further treatment.


UFree holds Israel fully responsible for death of ex-detainee Ashraf Abu Darea

LONDON, (PIC)– The European network for the rights of prisoners UFree said that Israel must be held accountable for the death of former Palestinian prisoner Ashraf Abu Darea.

In a press release, UFree stated that Abu Darea was kept in detention despite his serious health condition for six and a half years and released only when his jailers were aware that he might die any moment.

“All facts prove that Israel was behind the assassination of Abu Darea as they kept him in prison for a long time despite his poor health condition. He was released only when Israel realized that his life was at a critical stage and he might die any moment, not to mention that he was medically neglected and not given the proper health care,” UFree emphasized.

Mohamad Hamdan, head of UFree, said the Israeli occupation state is not committed to international law concerning prisoners and its actions flagrantly violate article 92 of the fourth Geneva convention of 1949.

According to this article, “medical inspections of internees shall be made at least once a month. Their purpose shall be, in particular, to supervise the general state of health, nutrition and cleanliness of internees, and to detect contagious diseases, especially tuberculosis, malaria, and venereal diseases. Such inspections shall include, in particular, the checking of weight of each internee and, at least once a year, radioscopic examination.”

“We are worried about the lives of the rest of Palestinian prisoners in Israel jails. We are grieved by the death of Ashraf and share these sad moments with his family,” Hamdan said.

“We will continue our work to expose Israel in cooperation with the free world until our prisoners are freed. We will not wait until they are killed by Israel. Today Abu Darea is dead and recently there were Zuhair Abu Lubada and Zakaria Issa Dawood,” he added.

Accordingly, UFree called on international human rights organizations like ICRC and WHO to bear their responsibilities in this regard and save the prisoners.

In a related context, Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Attal said the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, especially the patients, die slowly as a result of the medical neglect policy pursued against them.

MP Attal added in a press statement to the Palestinian information center (PIC) on Tuesday that Ashraf Abu Darea stayed for a long time suffering in the notorious infirmary of the Ramla jail, which is worse than jails.

The lawmaker said he believes that Abu Darea was injected with some virus by the occupation before he was released from jail.


Palestinian boy seriously injured in explosion of IOF army ordnance

GAZA, (PIC)– A Palestinian boy was seriously injured in the explosion of an Israeli army ordnance to the east of Breij refugee camp in central Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, the health ministry’s spokesman, said that the boy was injured in his head, adding that he was hospitalized in serious condition.

A number of Palestinian children and youths were killed or injured in similar incidents. The Israeli occupation forces waged fierce wars against Gaza Strip over the past years that left over many unexploded army ordnances.


IOF bulldozers pave way for annexing more Palestinian land

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Bulldozers of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) leveled land near to Nabi Saleh village, north of Ramallah, to expand Halamish settlement.

Village sources said that the IOF troops were also carrying dozens of new mobile homes to be installed on that land, which is considered the most fertile in the village.

They said that the troops and border police protected the transportation and installation of those homes.


IOF soldiers storm Jenin, bulldoze cultivated land in Bethlehem

JENIN, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Yamon village, west of Jenin, on Wednesday morning and broke into the home of a citizen searching for his son.

Local sources said that the soldiers broke into the home of Abdulghani Abul Haija and wreaked havoc in it and ordered the father to hand over his son Samed, who was not at home.

IOF soldiers barged into the home of Jamil Al-Qut in the eastern suburb of Jenin city and served a summons to his 22-year-old son Sameh for intelligence interrogation at Salem army camp to the north of Jenin.

The soldiers also combed the outskirts of the village of Kufr Dan, Jenin district.

IOF soldiers had bulldozed grapevines in Al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem, on Tuesday to pave the way for a road linking two settlements and destroyed 50 grape trees in the process.

Ahmed Salah, the coordinator of the popular committee in the village, told Quds Press that the 100 meters long road was built on 35 dunums of land in Khilat Um ul-Fahm hamlet, near Al-Khader.

He said that the Israeli occupation authorities had old ambitions in the hamlet and wishes to establish a Toratic park on its land.


Protest tent in Shuafat against land confiscation

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– People of Shuafat village in occupied Jerusalem set up on Tuesday a new protest tent, calling it “Somud Zaytun” (Olive Steadfastness), in protest against the Israeli confiscation policy.

The Jerusalem Municipality has confiscated more than 80 dunums of the land between Ramat Shlomo settlement and the town of Shuafat in order to establish road No. 21 to link the Israeli settlements with each other.

The Jerusalem Municipality has confiscated Shuafat’s land under the pretext of public benefits, while the land owners confirmed that this Israeli plan only serves the Israeli Judaization schemes that aim to hand the Palestinian lands to the settlers, where 4 Palestinian houses were threatened to be demolished in favor of this project.

The popular forces in the town called on the people of Jerusalem to support their cause to face the Israeli Judaization project in their town, where the Israeli municipality prevented the town’s original inhabitants from obtaining building permits.


IOF arrest 9 citizens in the West Bank

WEST BANK, (PIC)– The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested 6 citizens from the West Bank, including three children, in Jerusalem early Wednesday. Three other youths from al-Khalil were arrested last night.

Local sources confirmed that the occupation forces arrested six citizens in different parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem after raiding and searching homes, including three children from the town of Silwan, where they were transferred to interrogation centers under the pretext of being wanted by the Israeli intelligence.

The occupation forces arrested last night three Palestinian youths from the old town of al-Khalil in the southern West Bank, raiding several towns and suburbs in the city.

The Israeli occupation forces raided several suburbs of the city of al-Khalil and stormed the town of Halhul.


IOF arrests two children in Beit Ummar

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up three Palestinians in Beit Ummar village, north of al-Khalil, on Tuesday including two children one of them 12 years old.

Mohammed Awad, the spokesman for the village’s popular committee against settlement, said that an IOF force stormed the village at noon and took away 12-year-old Rabee Abu Ayyash.

He said that the father was surprised at the arrest, adding that one of the soldiers carried the child in his arms and took him to the army jeep en route to Etzion camp and told his father that he has to pay 1000 shekels in order to regain his child.

The spokesman said that army troops broke into the home of Ashraf Badawi and took his 15-year-old son Yazan, adding that the soldiers also arrested Ibrahim Mohammed, 40, after forcing their way into his home.

Confrontations were reported between the invading forces and young men in the village during which the soldiers used teargas in abundance leading to breathing problems among many citizens. The soldiers also fired live bullets in the air to disperse the demonstrators.

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