Silver Lining

Food for thought

Holding “Israel” accountable for its many crimes against humanity


An injured Palestinian boy is loaded onto an ambulance by a Red Crescent official at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip December 30, 2008. REUTERS/Amr Dalsh (EGYPT)


Israel’s Gaza War Crimes at ICC

Doctors Document Gaza Horrors

Clerics, Press Scold BBC on Gaza Appeal

Well, at least there is action to prosecute the Israelis for the genocide in Gaza even though it is not their first one. I was watching this show the other day about a serial killer who eluded the authorities for more than two decades and killed many women. The reason for his capture was one relentless cop who refused to let go of the issue and the criminal was caught by some of his crimes. “Israel” is a serial killer that operates through state terrorism, not the first of its kind but one of the most barbaric and in its prolonged existence. Is Gaza going to be that ultimate crime that is going to bring “Israel” to justice? Or will its protectors try their best to hide its crimes once more?

{Gaza (woman and child)} by Abdu’Allah Darqawi-Al Dustour newspaper-Jordan

If criminals are not caught for a long time and held accountable they might think they can carry on as it is and become more brutal with no repercussions. “Israel” has this mindset and it has reached a point where there is an end to its lies, hiding of crimes even if they were obvious, and protection of  the individuals who committed them. Olmert the other day told the Israeli soldiers who were active during the Gaza war they will be offered judicial protection, indirectly admitting they were guilty.


“Israel” has already been taken to court and sentenced by many people in this world of all walks of life. It will not bring back the hundreds of martyrs or reduce the pain and suffering of their families and thousands of wounded, but there is a sense of calm that comes over the grieving families if they know they are not alone and that justice will prevail.

{Gaza (on gun)}

2 responses to “Holding “Israel” accountable for its many crimes against humanity

  1. Kelvin December 7, 2011 at 1:29 pm

    I NEED MORE OF THIS Palestine boy pictures , what happen to him ?

  2. realistic bird December 7, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    I don’t know I will look it up and get back to you.

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